Friday, June 13, 2008

Retreat at Rocky Gap Lodge

Our Humphrey year-end retreat was held during 11-14 May at famous Rocky Gap Resort in Cumberland,Maryland - about 2.5 hours bus journey from Washington DC. The resort was so exclusive & beautiful, surrounded by scenic apalachian valleys, lakes along with all modern amenities therein. Unlike the leadership forum during Oct-Nov last year where most of the lecturers were from outside experts, the retreat events were mostly concentrated on activities by the fellows themselves. Of course IIE people organized and guided the events. In total 15 fellows were selected to present their humphrey year experience. I was fortunate to be one of them. I focused on the level of American diversity as well as the serious personal health problems I faced. My presentation succeeded in touching all who listened.
In the retreat days Ashutosh from Nepal was my roomate. We both went to the pool together, took photgraphs and enjoyed each other's company.
In the retreat, dancing, singing and some other activities were organized, in addition to the usual alumni related events which was the importance of being in touch with each other in future.
As a whole the retreat was touching, but very succesful. Through this, all 173 fellows of 87 countries and from 15 different campuses in USA said goodbye to the program & committed to make a change in their own countries.
I will never forget the great event of such a retreat.

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