Saturday, June 14, 2008

Kinsport/Gatlinburg so cool places!

We stayed about 5 days to my school friend Pabitra's (a cardiologist) house at Kingsport. His house so big! Also the neghbourhood and city very green, because Kingsport is just on the valley of great American Appalachian. So weather very mild and moderate. On sunday, 1 June Pabitra took us to Gatlinburg, about 100 miles from Kingsport. Gatlinburg, situated on a very high altitude of the Appalachian is a good tourist spot in Tennessee. There we noticed a lot of fun and enjoyement facilities (specially for kids). You have to buy tickets for entry- expensive though. We just rode on a skyway travel. Very scenic indeed!
We're taken to a new house Pabitra going to buy. It's like a palace, 4 storied building including basement, so many rooms, beatiful backyard and very rural setting. Mostly medical doctors live in that neighbourhood. Medical profession in USA is so rewarding!
One good thing we could achieve at Kingsport was that my wife was able to have biopsy test done. In Boston, doctors found calcification in her left breast and suspected malignancy (breast cancer). To be sure, they suggested to do her biopsy asap. We couldn't do it from Boston due to time constraint. But we're lucky that Pabitra did help to get an appointment even on a very short notice. Hospital was awesome, and fortunately report was good- no malignancy. We're relieved at last.

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