Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Humphrey Graduation

Finally my graduation day from BU arrived & also passed by on May 2. It was a very touching & emotional day for all fellows and people associated with the BU Humphrey session 2007-08. BU President Prof. Brown conducted the graduation ceremony, held at BU Castle at 225, Bay Street. The keynote speaker was Prof. Hakkani, H.E. The Ambassador of Pakistan to USA. He highlighted the importance of taking actions from individual, cultural and local perspectives. His speech was so inspiring & enjoyable!
Amy Nemith spoke on behalf of IIE, Dr. Khinchuk spoke as the program coordinator of BU & Julio Canelo as the spokesman for the fellows.
All speakers emphasized on acting responsibly as the global citizens and making individual contributions for bringing positive changes in their own fields of works. We felt to maintain the spirit of friendship created by participation in the prestigeous Humphrey Program. Refreshment followed the ceremony.
I'm glad that my wife & son was present in the ceremony. It was indeed one of the colorful & memorable days in our lives.

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