Saturday, January 12, 2008

Settling in US late- a big trade-off

Today (12 Jan'08) I spent an enjoyable day with good Bangladeshi style food. Because I's invited to my classmate Kamona Saha's house. By taking a ride in Washington DC metro train, I first went to Metro Center, then changed train to go Silver Spring by the red line. From there Kamona & her husband took me to their house by car (about 10-15 minute drive from the station). Famous TV channel 'Discovery' is headquartered at Silver Spring city. Through the Discovery building glasses in the ground floor, I noticed a huge Dynosore skull standing tall.

Almost the whole day in her house we talked, tasted so many foods and left in the evening. Kamona's husband, a polite and lovely man, loves eating foods. Good day I passed indeed.

Kamona Saha & me - both got our education in Economics Dept of Jahangirnagar University and both joined the civil service the same year (though she in Administration & me in Trade service). But after serving quite a long time she left her govt job and for the last 9 years leaving in USA. Her husband was also a high official of Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) who left everything behind to get settled here. Now both of them work in a pharmaceutical chain store & in order to survive both of them work at least 8-10 hours a day. They know better than others how hard it is here to earn money (unlike the perceptions of many in Bangladesh who think dollars fly in America). They're, however, not in a very bad position (have bought a townhouse, though by bank loan) and their daughter and son studying in university & high school respectively.

But, in consideration of their official postions back in Bangladesh (very shortly Kamona could be at Joint Secretary level official) & their everyday hardwork, their sacrifice or opportunity cost(tradeoff) for getting settled here is a bit high, I think. This is because they're late starter. Point is, if you plan to settle abroad; plan & do it as early as you can . Anyway, all the good wishes for them.

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