Saturday, September 22, 2007

Visit to Federal Reserve Bank Boston

Yesterday (21 September) the Humphrey Group of Boston University visited the Federal Reserve Bank (generally called the Fed, it's the central bank of USA) Boston. We'd to take the Green Line of Metrotrain, got off at Park Street Station & then heading to South Station catching the Red Line train. After the usual security check-ups, we're taken to the 8th floor of the Research Dept . Mr. Jeff (Sr VP), Ms Jane (VP) and Mr. Tom welcomed us in a small but cosy conference room. Then they answered to our questions very eloquently. In the discussion, recent subprime rate in mortagage loan crisis, interest rate cuts by the Fed, peoples expectation & Fed Policies, independence of Fed from day to day politics, its decision making mechanisms etc. came up. We learned some things about the Fed.

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