Monday, February 25, 2008

NY Trip Final day

For the 3rd & final day of NY trip, morning was free from the group activity. So I went to the Penn Station again. There the underground Amtrak train station cum shopping mall is huge. From the information booth I collected many info brochures, maps (so that it helps when next time I visit NY alone). From there I walked to the 42nd street (5-6 blocks from Penn Station) where all the bus cos ply from to different destinations.
After the check-out from the hotel at 11.45, we (the BU Humphrey Group) were taken to the Tavern Green Restaurant inside the Central Park of Manhattan. We're fascinated by the fabulous and artistic glass decorated designs of the whole restaruarnt and also the exclusive dining area. Also the food was awesome. Only problem it was so expensive (you need about 100 box to satisfy the tummy). Another thing to notice, most of the restaruarnt people ( those who're serving, taking order, etc.) are the immigrant Bangladeshis.
After a very satisfying lunch we wandered in the park area. All high rise buildings of NY's posh area surrounded the park. In the park, lots of fun all around. We saw some groups (mature people of different races) are dancing with skating. One white guy (around 50 years old) dancing with skatebaords attached with legs and 3 water bottles on his head (one atop of other)- still balancing himself.
At 3.45 we started back our journey and reached Boston by 8 pm. As a whole it was a memorable journey for us. Thanks to Hunphrey Program.

NY Trip Second Day

In terms of weather, it's better than the previous day, but still patchy. We started the day with a visit to the Metropolitan Meseum of Art. In consideration of museum area it's perhaps the biggest meseum in the world. Our guide tour lady was an accomplished professional. She took us a specific gallery and focused on explaining the things. She made us visit the Greek, Roman, African and Asian artefacts, paintings and statues. We learnt many things about those ancient civilizations. Our next item on that day was visit to Statue of Liberty. Our bus took us to the Battery Park, the south-end of Manhattan financial district where from ferries ply to New Jersy & different islands. After security check-ups, the passengers boarded on the ferry(like a steamer) & it started journey through the scenic Hudson river & in about 20 minutes we reached the liberty island where the famous iconic symbol of America's pride standing atall. We walked the circled pathway of the statue, took photograps of the surrounding views and approached for climbing base. After a tight security checks of all your belongings, we visited the meseum type area where all necassry info of the statue of liberty posted. Then climbed atop by escalator to a room upto where you're allowed to go(about 7-8 floor high). From that level you can view spectacular sites of NY city, New Jersy area, Ellis island and ports nearby. At around 5 pm. we came back following the same way we went there.
n the evening there was no group activity. So after a little rest at the hotel room, I walked along the 8th Avenue, withdrew money from the Bank of America ATM, bought painkiller medicine Tynelol PM from CVS Pharmacy, bought my dinner & next day morning breakfast items from 'Subway', a food chain in USA, went the Pensylvania Station on the Manhattan area & went back to room.

New York Trip

A 3 day (22-24 Feb'08) visit to New York was organized for the BU Humphrey Fellows. Our reserved bus started from 14 Buswell St for NY at 6.00 pm(extreme chilly early morning & weather forecast for the day was horrific - snow, blizzard, icy rain in NY). When we arrived the UN building at around 11, you see white snows all around. However, we walked along those & reached the security check points of the UN. After security checking we entered the main UN bldng & a professional guide tour took us to different meeting rooms, explained things of so manysculpture, painting, photographs hanged on the walls of corridor and in rooms. And of course the history of UN & its different divisions along with their core activities were explained by the guide. We're fascinated by the gorgeous paintings of the security council room, unique architectural design of the Trustee Hall room & huge spaces of the General Aseembly meeting room (to accomodate all the nations, you indeed need a big room) .
At around 2 pm we're taken to NY Stock Exchange. After too much security checks we're taken to the 7th floor where an expert explained the unique auctioning of NYSE (with specialists to provide constant market liquidity). Thereafter, we're taken to the corridor where from you see all the screens, computer terminals for the specialist, broker agents & different TV channels offices to brodcast live the stock trading.
Then we checked in to the New Yorker hotel in Manhattan area's prime location and at night some of us went to the famous Carnegie Hall to enjoy a classic symphony.We enjoyed the show where so many young artists took part. At night we went to nearby Russian resaturant where with fun, talking, eating, drinking & dancing (by some) time passed quickly and after 1.30 pm we came back to our hotel.