Friday, December 21, 2007

Working with the World Bank

My professional affiliation with the World Bank has started a day before - from 20 Dec'07. As a part of the Humphrey program, all fellows are required to do a 6 week long professional affiliation with any org/institution based in USA. It may be local or non-local in respect to the host campuses. I chose doing with the World Bank - a non-local one.
Even though some hassles and excess costs involved (like getting a short rem accomodation, moving to a new place and so on) with a non-local affiliation, choice of World Bank is great, I think. Also to get an offer from them is tougher. But I pushed hard and did manage to get that. Because I think my exposure to WB activities on trade matters would help me and also Bangladesh in future. Because WB policy decisions influence BD a lot.
So far I worked in WB for just 2 days. Working in the PREM (Poverty Reduction & Economic magement) unit of South Asia Region. My superviser is Dr. Sandeep Mahajan who looks after some aspects of trade related matters of BD with WB.
Despite the fact that WB offices in DC area are scattered in several buildings, major one is the main building. Most activities are in the main building. It's a nice, modern and very spacious building . Great work environment for an institution like WB, as expected. But the Cafeteria & Dining related facilities I'm most impressed with. Different type of food you can choose- African, European, South Asian & so on. Dining hall is so big & so many people busy with eating & talking to their table mates (it's more like one to one or one to few business meetings). I'm informed that at WB head office, almost 10000 people work. In different floors Christmas trees are decorated. But the one at Lobby area is so big & small flags of all member countries are placed on the tree there.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Heavy Snowfall

Right now heavy snow falling over New England area. It started from noon, already 4-5 inches snow. Boston University classes and also many services were cancelled this morning. Everything looking as white as snow. It's really wonderful scenary.

Last week there was snowfall. It took almost 5-6 days to clear. Just when it melted, today's heavy snowfall came. I think, we've to pass this long winter time with such snow experiences. Next week I'm inshallah going to Washington DC for one month to do a professional affiliation with the World Bank. No idea what would be weather there. But whatever be, I gonna taking it easily.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sporting Event

Last Saturday (8 Dec'07), we ( BU Humphrey group) organized a special sporting event at Fitrec (Fitness and Recreation Center) of Boston University. Some MIT fellows also joined us. Wives and children of some fellows joined us. We played soccer, badminton, table tennis & basketball. It was great fun.
Fitrec is a modern and state of art sporting center. Most modern gym, swimming pool, rock climbing, cycling & squash center and several indoor stadiums which can be converted to soccer ground, volleyball, basketball, badminton, table tennis or other games. A food court serves the vistiors' needs. All possible amenities are available there. BU can boast of having such a center.